On-site Facilities
Raise prides itself in being able to offer a wide range of on-site and off-site facilities, all geared to meet an individual’s needs.
Modern classrooms with interactive large classroom touch screens for teaching and learning including hand held tablet devices for learners.
ICT suites with all the most up-to-date technology and online platforms for assessment, intervention, and learning; including Lexia, MyMaths, Apple Logic Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro and Adobe Creative Cloud.
Selection of different sized classrooms to meet the needs of a diverse range of learning and social and emotional needs.
Thrive centre with highly trained and experienced trauma informed practitioners to support CYP to learn how to co and self-regulate, learn skills to manage better and for longer durations in the classroom and be able to settle down to learn with others.
Interactive music and media studio for music production and video and film making.
Intervention rooms for learning and personal development including spaces to support CYP regulation of emotions and a place to stop, think, and gain support to make positive decisions.
State-of-the-art outdoor wellbeing activity centre – for exercise, movement, play, and appropriate levels of challenge and risk taking.
Kitchens for CYP to learn about food and be able to prepare and cook food in a safe and enjoyable way.
Skills centre to support CYP vocational aspirations and support independent living. We offer CYP skills in painting and decorating, tiling, foundation plumbing skills, plastering, bricklaying, Horticulture, as well as health and safety in construction and environments and CSCS tests and cards.
Strong partnerships with local community spaces and facilities such as Willow Hey, where CYP learn how to apply their skills in work and social skills to being on community projects completing joinery, path work, brickwork, planting vegetables, plants and trees and much more.
We use local fitness and health centres and facilities such as:
- Leverhulme gym
- Sauls MMA gym
- Premier 5 football
- Graystone action sports
- Local Libraries and Museums
- Local parks, reservoirs, and beaches
Assessment and intervention hub to work with new CYP engaging with us for the very first time. So, we can get to know them and for them to get to know us in a supportive space. we use this space to hold restorative justice meetings and panel such as payback panels to enable CYP to work with staff and parents and significant others to make a mend, learn, and find new ways to responding to their emotions, thoughts, incidents and problems rather than reacting and causing harm to others or damage etc.
College learning centres and common rooms for the older student population at other community learning sites that offer interactive learning and study rooms, and vocational and independent living learning rooms and spaces.
Outdoor and community-based projects to enable older students to apply their skills in construction and horticulture in real life situations and prepare them for work experience and future employment opportunities.